Different tips to Clear Your Sinuses naturally

Sinus infections cause annoying and painful feeling of an infected person. It affects about 37 million US annually.Sinus infections are an inflammation of the lining in the sinus cavities. Sinus infections usually are caused by colds,  flu,  bacteria, or allergies There are several ways to combat the natural sinus infections rather than drugs. In this article you'll learn about some of them.

  • How to Clear Your Sinuses with Your Tongue and Your Thumb in 20 Seconds

Push your tongue against the top of your mouth and place a finger between your eyebrows and apply pressure. Hold it for about 20 seconds and your sinuses will begin to drain.

How it works: When you push your tongue against the roof of your mouth, don’t aim for a specific point but rather push it flat against the top.Then, when you let go, you should start to feel a little movement in the back of your throat.

It’s a very simple trick that gets the job done. Keep sharing because a lot of people will like this information instead of taking pills.

  • Another way to clear your sinuses natural 

On this video you watch another effective way to clear your sinuses naturally. I believe this is better than using medication. Just try it and you have to ask your doctor before doing it.