Home Solutions to remove ink stains

Simple tips at home to deal with the effects of removing ink stains, through the following methods:

Cornstarch: Mix the milk with the cornstarch to make a paste, and then put in place to remove ink stains, allowing it to dry for a few hours, then guest remains dry with a brush.

Milk: To remove ink stains from colored clothes, just by soaking the clothes in the affected milk throughout the night, and then washed in the usual way in the next day.

Salt: pour salt on the spot she is still moist, then witted gently with a paper towel moistened, then we remove the salt residue with a brush, the process is repeated up to get rid of the stain.

Hair Spray: through the slick by spraying hair spray, and should be wiped marks immediately.

Nail polish remover: by rubbing the spot with a piece of cotton with nail remover, then wash with soap and water.

Toothpaste: the success of this method depends on the fabric and ink type, by putting toothpaste on the spot with rubbing the fabric firmly together, then rinse with water, the process is repeated several times until you get rid of all the ink.