Some Herbs that help Growth of your hair

Hair loss is a common problem these days between males and females, especially in the last stages of puberty. Despite the common hair loss in males, but it also exists in females. The regular use of treatments from one of the causes of loss in a month because of the chemicals. So it is not  recommended to never use. There are other factors responsible for hair loss according to the American Academy such as: poor diet, improper care of the hair, health disorders like thyroid and anemia problems, inborn conditions like menopause and alopecia and also due to chemotherapy and certain medications.

 The following are the top some herbal remedies based on tradition and modern research that you can try out to enjoy hair growth.

1.    Stinging Nettle

The stinging nettle is a very important and useful plant that is loaded with hair growing benefits. It is abundantly found in North America and is also referred to as the Urtica Diocia. It is an herb that helps in preventing the conversion of testosterone hormones into dihydrotestosterone which is the main cause for hair loss. Stinging nettle can be consumed in the form of pills. It can also be used as a hair oil to see good results.

  • Put the leaves of the stinging nettle in a jar containing olive oil for about three weeks. Make sure that the jar is tightly sealed.
  • Keep the sealed jar is a cool place for about three weeks and make sure that it is not exposed to direct sunlight.
  • After three weeks, you can apply the home made oil on your scalp and hair regularly to see visible hair growth.

2.    Rosemary

Rosemary has been in use as an effective solution to hair loss for centuries now. It also helps in reducing hair thinning and balding. It will help in improving the circulation of the scalp and this will in turn help in hair growth. Rosemary works effectively on the hair when combined with olive oil.

  •   Regular application of oil prepared from mixing olive oil and rosemary will help in                     preventing graying of the hair prematurely.
  •   It is an effective product top use for treating flaky and dry scalp.
  •   It will help in nourishing the hair follicles and strengthening the hair on the scalp right from the shaft.
3.    Panax Ginseng
The popular Chinese herb is a natural herbal remedy for a lot of health problems including hair loss. Ginseng is very effective in treating baldness and will help in hair re-growth. It will help in nourishing the hair and also boost the strength of the hair. It is one of the main ingredients that you will find on most hair tonics or hair shampoos. 

Are you worried seeing receding hairlines as well as baldness to appear on your scalp? Do you want to improve the thickness of your hair as well as improve the growth of the hair? If you are one among the many who is looking for the right herbal tips that will help with hair growth  the natural way, then you need to try out some of the above mentioned herbal remedies to reduce your baldness and to grow strong hair on your scalp.