What almond can do with your body

The almond is one of the most nuts widely used around the world in the east and the west as a result of the many benefits and tastes delicious and entering in the composition of many Eastern delicious recipes and cosmetics and skin care. Almonds contain fat, carbohydrates, protein and magnesium mainly in the composition and every 100 grams almonds contains:

  • Protein: 25 grams
  • Carbohydrate: 25 grams almost
  • Creamy: approximately 50 grams in the form of almond oil health
  • Vitamin B-6 and magnesium metal.

According eating almonds in the prevention of disease, diabetes, and heart disease as a result of the content of almond oil and health, which is a kind of grease mono unsaturated mono-non-saturated fat and oils contribute to raising the quality grease in the blood, which is known as HDL and lowering bad grease and known as LDL and interest almond vary in ease or overweight, according to the method of preparation Vallowes of roasted oil contains twice the amount of calories they contain the same amount of non-toasted almond oil and this does not advise those who follow the diet whose goal is weight loss using toasted almonds oil and replace it with raw almonds or dried or roasted in the oven.
What the mind of eating almonds roasted with oil for those who would like to increase the weight, provided that deals with toasted almonds with food is not alone as the toasted almonds eating alone may cause a stir sense of early satiety and thus eat less food it needs from wants to increase its weight amount.

And almonds is generally regarded as an important source of quick and energy and that Yemen would benefit them in the university or high school or your business that requires great mental effort as it contains every 100 grams of almonds on the nearly 590 calories (a quarter of the body's daily need of calories almost) and here some reports that Allowesn improves memory and concentration during work and study.