Would you like to have barbecue by using lava flow?

Some scholars from Syracuse University in the US  have found a perfect alternative way to make barbecue by using  LAVA GRILLING.

This project is a result of collaboration between Syracuse University, the expert chef Sam Bompas from UK and  the Syracuse University earth sciences team who have created a fantastic a car-sized, man-made volcano that ables to  melt rock down into lava in around seventy hours.

The scholar team use these synthetic lava flows to find out more about the morphology and behaviour of molten rock. In July 2014, the did decide to work with Bompas to check if they create hottest barbecue ever. As a result of this test a grill that reached just over 1,000 degrees Celsius (2,000 Fahrenheit) – more than two times of  the maximum temperature of average ovens.

Watch the video here