White Sharks at Africa

Some comments from fans about this pictures

Nature in action! Seal eats fish, & bigger fish eats seal. A little ironic, but life is just that way! People fear animals that can kill them, but we are a much greater threat to them than they will ever be to us! I understand that if I swim in the ocean, or an estuary river, I could be a shark's lunch, but they have no idea that an oil spill or other chemicals that we allow into the waterways of the world can destroy beautiful images like this! I don't want to sound like a bleeding heart liberal, because I'm not, but a rational human trying to watch out for all life that is under our stewardship.

I see so many feeling sorry for the cute seal. Yes nature can be brutal. SO can killing 100 MILLION sharks a year for their fins! Typically, the fins are cut off the shark and they are dumped back into the Ocean where they Drown! The shark off the coast off of SC & NC Needs to be caught and killed. But Shark Fining Needs to Stop! They also slaughter Dolphins...among other things. If you can't drum up some compassion, read up on how messed up our Oceans will be without sharks. Educate yourself and others. Social Media can be a powerful tool!