The Chinese Medicine : what will happen when you message this point?

In general, women are more susceptible to stress, chronic fatigue and sleep deprivation in comparison to men.

In addition to the methods that beautify women, we bring you yet another very effective method which is part of the Chinese alternative medicine.

The San Yin Jiao point is found on the inner part of the tibia on both legs and it is an important field in Chinese medicine, particularly in acupuncture. As mentioned above, this method has the ability to make women look more beautiful.A Miracle Of The Chinese Medicine Massage This Point Every Day And See What Happens


The precise location of the point is crucial in performing this massage, so that you know where you should start from. Place four fingers above the ankle, on the inner side of the legs. The point is supposed to be on your index finger.

Press the area behind the tibia and start with the massage. The massage itself should be performed for ten minutes, at any time of the day. However, the best would he to do it at night.

Both legs and the area between them can be massaged. Repeat the procedure on regular basis in order to achieve results.


Activation of the Ovaries and Uterus
This massage stimulates the function of ovaries and uterus, which makes it especially beneficial for women who are trying to get pregnant.

Regulation of the Menstrual Cycle
The stimulation of San yin spot is shown to improve and regulate the menstrual cycle in women.

Improved Sexual Desire
This simple massage can improve the sexual desire, solve any hormonal issues, and help you regain sensuality and self-esteem.

Stabilizing of the Gastrointestinal Tract
Apart from relieving menstrual pain, this massage can solve the digestive problems and bloating as well.

Elasticity of the Skin
The stimulation of this spot activates the spleen, which in turn improves the elasticity of the skin and the overall skin health.