Would you like to Reduce Large Pores Permanently

There are various methods that you can employ in order to reduce the size of your pores. These methods include:

Clay masks

Clay is very beneficial to your skin. It is known to help in skin detoxification. It works by sucking out water and fats found beneath the pores, thus helping the pores relax.

 You should apply a clay mask gently on your face, avoiding the eyes. For it to work better, it should be left for a considerable time before removing it.
 Egg white.
Egg white is known for its ability to shrink pores and tighten skin. Before application, it should be mixed with a small amount of lemon juice. This mixture should be applied on skin that has been rinsed with warm water, and then left for about 15-20 minutes before washing your face again.

Lemon juice.

Lemon juice is good for your skin as it helps shrink the pores. Apply the juice on your skin using a cotton pad and leave for around 5 minutes before rinsing it off. Rose water should be added to the lemon juice before application if you have dry skin issues.