Snake vs redback spider

We really don't get to (nor we want to) see spiders and snakes fighting in our garages or basements, but that is not a choice if you live in Australia.       

The son of a West Australian woman Jamii-Leigh Marwick found a spider attacking a brown snake in their shade and for sure decided to film it. The video will give you chills for sure.

The YouTube description reads:

'A battle between two of Australia's most venomous creatures has unfolded in a woman's backyard shed, and ended in an unlikely outcome.

West Australian mother-of-three Jamii-Leigh Marwick said her son Eamon found a deadly eastern brown snake caught in the web of a dangerous red back spider on Sunday.

Footage shows the juvenile snake – one of the most venomous in Australia – whipping back and forth as it tried to free itself from the strong web of its opponent.'

Watch the video