Do you know why this is small hole is existed?

Basically, every iPhone since the iPhone 5 has had a tiny black dot between the lens and flash. Have you ever wondered why it is there and what does it do?
This tiny hole is basically a microphone. Yeah, you read it right. Technically, it is not a microphone that would listen to your voice but it is for noise cancellation. This microphone can nearly eliminate background noises so that the caller on the other end hears only crystal clear voice. It also helps to record your voice without any filler, make Siri’s recognition of your accent even better and while recording HD videos.

The iPhone actually has three microphones, one at the bottom, one on the back and one at the front often hidden under the same grill for the phone speaker, as it is not active during normal phone conversation. The reason behind putting two microphones at two end of the phone is stereo audio recording while recording videos, which gives a better audio judgment while playing it on a stereo sound system.