How Lemon can help to Intimate Parts Of Your Body

The skin condition where the skin between the legs becomes darker in color is called Acantosis nigricans. It is most visible among obese people. This condition may be mild or serious. In this article, you can read about this condition and find out ways to bleach the dark areas of the skin between the legs.

Even though the reasons for this disease are not completely researched, it is very common among obese people. People with type 2 diabetes also have this skin condition very often. Genetic factors, tumors and hormonal imbalance may also trigger this disease.

A lemon has peeling properties. It also contains vitamin C, which helps in removing old skin cells. It also stimulates regeneration of healthy skin cells.

Apply the juice on the skin and massage gently. Leave it on for 15 minutes. Wash it off and apply moisturizing cream.