Why Men Wake Up with Erections in the Morning?

There are 5 explanations for the occurrence of a morning wood:

1. The testosterone levels are highest in the morning
The level of testosterone is highest early in the day. As the day progresses, the testosterone levels gradually decrease. According to the doctors, getting morning erections signifies that you have balanced testosterone levels, which means that your overall health is doing great.

2. Parts of the brain are in a sleep-like state
The brain controls the function of our bodies. However, parts of the brain are in a sleep-like state during REM sleep. This is why men can control the occurrence of an erection only why they are awake.

3. The bladder may cause an erection
It is assumed that the bladder stimulates an area in the spinal cord when it fills during the night, which results in a “reflex erection.”

Read More: 4 Tips to Increase Testosterone Levels Naturally

4. Men rub up against something in their sleep
The penis gets aroused by physical contact. During sleep, if the body accidentally presses against someone or something, it responds in an occurrence of an erection.

5. Morning erections are a kind of an exercise
One of the theories for the occurrence of NPT is that the penis is exercising. The penis is filled with blood during an erection, and it has to hold the blood for a prolonged period of time.