For skin and rosy light and supple.

Learn about these Arabia mixture containing natural materials harmless give your skin radiance Brightening and freshness, and is working to move the blood circulation in the skin to get the pink radiance and freshness and color, you ingredients and method of preparation and use:


• teaspoon powdered alum.

• Large Sidr crunched spoon.

• Two tablespoons rose water.

• Large yogurt spoon.

• teaspoon starch.

• Large natural strawberry juice spoon.

Preparation and Use: mix all the above ingredients well, to get a coherent mixture, clean up the skin and then single out the mixture on the skin and are the work of circular motions on the face for 5 minutes, leave the mixture on the skin for half an hour, then wash your face with cold water, to get a bright complexion from the first use.