The best food for your brain

What to eat every human impact on the performance of the brain in one way or another, brain alone consumes 20 percent of the energy that gives food to the body.

The best foods that stimulate the brain works are those that contain boiled omega-3 especially fish, thanks to contain acids strengthen synapses in the brain, which provide pathways of neural connections, which play a fundamental role in learning and memory centers in the brain, and has been confirmed studies that kids who eat food that contains omega-3 are superior in intelligence, memory, verbal tests compared with children who do not rely on these types of Alotamih and after 6 months of nutrition for both the type of kids separately any who ate omega-3 and who do not eat.

These omega 3 fatty acids are concentrated in different kinds of nuts such as walnuts and almonds and hazelnuts and flaxseed, and kiwi fruit and fish, especially so you must push for eating fish greatly.